BL1003: Cellular and Ecological Framework / BIOL 1001: Introduction to Biology
   Pre-Requisites: Before beginning this Competency, you must complete the following Competencies:
  • BL1001: The Scientific Approach
  • BL1002: Biochemical and Cellular Framework
Competency Description: All of life on Earth needs energy to survive and thrive. Although plant life is able to derive energy directly from the sun and produces oxygen in the process, most animal life, including human life must gather energy in other ways. Ultimately, the nutritional needs of almost every creature on the planet are satisfied by consuming plants and their fruits. However, in the modern world, humans want energy for more than survival. We want energy to drive our automobiles, power our factories, our homes, and our society. In our quest for energy, we have consumed enormous amounts of energy embodied in the fossil remains of previous life-forms. Unfortunately, in this process we have altered the natural carbon cycle, changed the chemical composition of our atmosphere, and affected our global climate. Please contact Assignment Samurai for help with or BL1003: Cellular and Ecological Framework any other assignment. Email:     You may consider using alternative energy sources for your car and home, but your body requires a specific kind of energy. Cells in living organisms cannot search for alternative fuel sources. Animal and plant cells have particular processes for obtaining the energy they need. In this Competency, you will examine the natural carbon cycle with its basis in cellular respiration and photosynthesis. You will also explore human impact on the carbon cycle, and how our use of fossilized energy relates to global warming and climate change.   For this Performance Task Assessment, you will create a presentation to present the scientific perspective on the carbon cycle, the climate system, and climate change. Assessment Submission Length: 15–20 slides in a presentation format.   Competency Modules:
  • Module 1: The Carbon Cycle
  • Module 2: The Climate System
  • Module 3: Climate Change in the Modern Era
  Professional Skills:
  • Written Communication: Write with clarity, coherence, and purpose.
  • Information Literacy: Apply strategies to evaluate information in order to effectively
analyze issues and make decisions.

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