BL1003: Cellular and Ecological Framework Assessment / BIOL 1001: Introduction to Biology
  Overview For this Performance Task Assessment, you will explain the scientific perspective on the carbon cycle, the climate system, and climate change in a presentation format. Assessment Submission Length:  15–20 slides in a presentation format Professional Skills: Written Communication and Information Literacy are assessed in this Competency. Please contact Assignment Samurai for help with BL1003: Cellular and Ecological Framework Assessment or any other assignment. Email: Your response to this Assessment should:
  • Reflect the criteria provided in the Rubric.
  • Adhere to the required length.
This Assessment requires submission of one (1) presentation that includes your explanation of climate science in the modern world. Save your file as follows, BL1003_firstinitial_lastname (for example, BL1003_J_Smith). Instructions Before submitting your Assessment, carefully review the rubric. This is the same rubric the assessor will use to evaluate your submission and it provides detailed criteria describing how to achieve or master the Competency. Many students find that understanding the requirements of the Assessment and the rubric criteria help them direct their focus and use their time most productively. Access the following to complete this Assessment:
  • Climate Science PowerPoint Template 
    • Note: The template is optional for your use. If you would like to create a presentation of your own design you must submit this as a PowerPoint file (.ppt or .pptx)
  • Walden University Writing Center. (2018). Common assignments: Presentations. Retrieved from
  • Walden University Writing Center. (2018). APA style: Overview. Retrieved from
Explaining Climate Science in the Modern World Imagine you are a participant in a city council debate about global warming. During the debate, council members make conflicting statements about climate change, and most members are unsure about the sources of their information. The city council members realize that they do not have the scientific facts on global warming. You have been selected to conduct research on this topic and present the scientific perspective on the carbon cycle, the climate system, and climate change. Using the Climate Science PowerPoint Template, or a presentation file of your own, develop a 15- to 20-slide presentation that includes the following: Introduction
  • Introduce the subject and provide an overview of your presentation.
The Carbon Cycle
  • Describe the carbon cycle in words and provide an illustration.
  • Explain how carbon enters and exits the atmosphere naturally through photosynthesis and cellular respiration. Include the chemical reaction associated with each process.
The Climate System
  • Explain two important ways that humans have had an impact on the carbon cycle and how these human activities increase CO2 or other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
  • Describe the data regarding how atmospheric levels of CO2 have changed over the last 400,000 years or more. Include a graph that you find online from an authoritative source.
  • Describe the greenhouse effect and provide an illustration.
  • Explain at least one other factor (aka forcings) in the climate system.
Climate Change
  • Explain why scientists believe that humans are responsible for the current era of climate change.
  • Describe at least two implications of climate change.
  • Describe at least one challenge faced by individuals addressing climate change.
  • Describe at least three ways that people can mitigate climate change.
  • Conclude your presentation by summarizing your scientific perspective on global warming.
  • Provide APA citations for all resources, including images, cited in your presentation.

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