BL1002: Biochemical and Cellular Framework / BIOL 1001: Introduction to Biology
  Pre-Requisites: Before beginning this Competency, you must complete the following Competencies:
  • BL1001: The Scientific Approach
Competency Description: What do all living organisms have in common? What do they require? As a living organism, does drinking water before an exam help you perform better? Will taking supplements ensure that you have a healthy body and a healthy life? What does metabolism have to do with your body and weight?  Please contact Assignment Samurai for help with BL1002: Biochemical and Cellular Framework or any other assignment. Email:         In this Area of Expertise, you are learning how to use foundational biological principles and knowledge to answer complex questions. In this Competency, you continue to learn about biology, and also biochemistry, as you delve into the structure and function of macromolecules and cells. You begin by focusing on water, biochemistry, and cells, and then move on to nutrients, membrane transport, enzymes, metabolism, and cellular respiration.   The Objective Assessment consists of a series of 31 multiple-choice questions regarding how cell types, structures, and functions support life. Assessment Submission Length: 31 multiple-choice questions   Competency Modules:
  • Module 1: Introduction to Biology and Biochemistry
  • Module 2: Introduction to Cell Biology

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