BL1001: The Scientific Approach / BIOL 1001: Introduction to Biology
  Competency Description: Imagine you are beginning your daily late afternoon jog on a wooded path near your home. As you begin your long strides, you breathe in the crisp air, feeling your leg muscles stretch and your heart pound. You look around and notice that leaves on the trees are beginning to change color. A squirrel scampers through the grass to your right. A startled deer on the left raises its head, staring briefly at you before turning to run with its white tail bobbing behind. This may be a daily routine, but it is an exhilarating experience. It feels great to be alive and experience nature. Please contact Assignment Samurai for help with BL1001: The Scientific Approach or any other assignment. Email:     You may not take much time to think about the life in your body or the life around you, but it is there, and it is amazingly complex. Biology is the science that studies life, and it would have a lot to say about the scene just described. In this Competency, you begin to explore biology and the scientific approach. You will also examine statistics and how to develop scientific literacy.   This Objective Assessment consists of 20 multiple-choice questions regarding the scientific approach and scientific literacy.   Assessment Submission Length: 20 multiple-choice questions Competency Modules:
  • Module 1: The Scientific Process
  • Module 2: Scientific Literacy

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