HIST 120: World History to 1500- Module 1: Discussion Posts
Discussion Posts:  
  1. How are the laws in Hammurabi’s code similar to or different from those in the Hebrew book of Exodus? 
  2. Why did Hammurabi produce this code of laws? Where does he claim his authority and kingship come from?
  3. Based on Exodus, what role does the Hebrew god play for his people? How does Moses act as an intermediary between God and the people?
  4. How are the gods characterized in the passage we read in the Epic of Gilgamesh? What role do they play in the lives of individual human beings? 
  5. What do the sources in the chapter tell you about the different ways in which the peoples of the ancient world saw the relationship between the individual and the divine? What do they tell you about the relationship between the state or ruler and the divine? 
  6. In the Epic of Gilgamesh selection, why do the gods send the flood? Why does Enlil ultimately decide to make Utnapishtim and his wife immortal? What does this suggest about the role the gods were understood to play in the lives of individual human beings?

Please contact Assignment Samurai for help with HIST 120: World History to 1500- Module 1: Discussion Posts or any other assignment.

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HIST 120: World History to 1500- Module 1: More Discussion Posts:

Please choose one prompt from each chapter.

Sourcebook Chapter 3

1.      Compare and contrast the Upanishads and The Laws of Manu. What aspects of Hinduism did each stress? How would you explain their differences in tone and emphasis?

2.      Compare and contrast Buddhist and Hindu views on the quest for enlightenment. What similarities and differences do you note?

3.      Compare Ashoka’s edict in this chapter with Hammurabi’s code (Document 2-2). Are there more similarities or more differences between Indian styles of rule and those in Mesopotamia?

4.      What are the differences between ancient Indian religion and the religions practiced in the ancient Near East? (See Chapter 2.)

Sourcebook Chapter 4

1.      Compare the advice given to rulers in the Book of Documents, the Analects, and the Dao De Jing. What do these sources suggest about the similarities and differences between Confucianism and Daoism?

2.      In what ways does Legalism, illustrated in the reading by Han Fei, directly attack Confucianism, as portrayed in the Analects?

3.      What connections can you make between the conditions in China during the Warring States Period and the philosophical works included in this chapter? How did conditions during the period shape the development of Chinese philosophy?

Please contact Assignment Samurai for help with HIST 120: World History to 1500- Module 1: Discussion Posts or any other assignment.

Email: assignmentsamurai@gmail.com

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