BIO-322 Applied Pathophysiology Course
Course Description This course is designed to bridge the gap between basic preclinical science courses and the clinical requirements of health care professionals. Critical thinking skills are enhanced with case studies that integrate nutritional and pharmacological concepts. Systematic studies focus on the etiology, pathogenesis, and clinical manifestations associated with various altered health states and diseases. Upon completion of this course, students should be able to correctly discuss a variety of disease states with health care professionals while addressing the following questions: How does a change in normal physiology cause the signs and symptoms of a given condition or disease? How do these physiological effects correlate to mechanisms of accurate diagnoses? Why is one treatment method chosen over another? How do different systems intricately interrelate to cause a clinical picture? This course does not substitute for BIO-483 or fulfill the Biology major requirement for psychopathology: BIO-201 and BIO-202.  Please contact Assignment Samurai for with BIO-322 Applied Pathophysiology or any other course  Email:    

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