XA 3004: Competency Discussion / NURS 3021: Professional Nurses as Change Agents / XA3004- Health Equity Advocacy and Political Engagement
Competency Discussion:
  1.  Are you a part of a professional organization? If so, which one? If not, which professional organization might you be interested in joining?
  2. What type of civic engagement have you participated in, or what type of civic engagement might you be interested in participating in?

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SOLUTION to XA3004:  Health Equity Advocacy and Political Engagement Competency Discussion.

Hello Class,

I am a member of the American Nurses Association (ANA). The ANA is a professional nursing association that provides information, professional development, and advocacy avenues for nurses. The organization is useful for finding professional development, networking, and learning the best practices in the nursing field. Not only does the ANA develop and seek to maintain standards for acute care and critical care, but it also secures safe work environments and advances policies that benefit nurses and patients. Moreover, being a member of the ANA enables me to have updated information on current practices, policies, and standards which is vital whole attending to patients psychiatric complications.

My professional journey has also influenced my interest in civic engagement, particularly in areas related to mental health advocacy. I have participated in civic engagement activities that align with my nursing background and interests in community health. For example, I have been involved in health education workshops to raise awareness about chronic kidney disease and mental health. Health education workshops help educate the public on the importance of early detection, management strategies, and available community resources (Gagnon, 2024).

Additionally, I am interested in participating in advocacy efforts focusing on mental health policy reform, particularly expanding access to psychiatric services and support for underserved populations. Volunteering with organizations that promote mental health awareness, such as the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), would allow me to leverage my expertise as a case manager in providing home-based care to psychiatric patients, contributing to meaningful change in the community. Engaging in such activities would enable me to apply my professional experience to help create positive social change in the communities I serve.


American Nurses Association (n.d.). About ANA. ANA. https://www.nursingworld.org/ana/about-ana/

Gagnon, D. (2024, March 21). The Importance of Health Education. Southern New Hampshire University. https://www.snhu.edu/about-us/newsroom/health/importance-of-health-education

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