BL1006: Evolutionary Framework: Natural Selection and Biodiversity / BIOL 1001: Introduction to Biology
Pre-Requisites: Before beginning this Competency, you must complete the following Competencies:
  • BL1001: The Scientific Approach
  • BL1002: Biochemical and Cellular Framework
  • BL1003: Cellular and Ecological Framework
  • BL1004: Cellular and Genetic Framework
  • BL1005: Evolutionary Framework: The Evidence
Assessment Type: Objective Assessment Competency Description: Why do some species, or even individuals with certain traits, have greater survival rates than others? Why do some traits seem to disappear over time? The process of natural selection, which scientists believe drives evolution, is not magic; it is logical and powerful like science itself. In this Competency, you study the fascinating process of natural selection and how it contributes to evolution. Then you continue your exploration of living organisms as you learn about biodiversity in the context of the provocative question: Are humans really the greatest species on Earth?   The Objective Assessment consists of 20 multiple-choice questions regarding national selection and biodiversity.   Assessment Submission Length: 20 multiple-choice questions Competency Modules:
  • Module 1: Understanding Natural Selection
  • Module 2: Biodiversity.
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