BL1005: Evolutionary Framework: The Evidence / BIOL 1001: Introduction to Biology
  Pre-Requisites: Before beginning this Competency, you must complete the following Competencies:
  • BL1001: The Scientific Approach
  • BL1002: Biochemical and Cellular Framework
  • BL1003: Cellular and Ecological Framework
  • BL1004: Cellular and Genetic Framework
Assessment Type: Objective Assessment Competency Description: Tracing family origins is a popular hobby for many people today. You may be able to discover information about your ancestors by searching personal identity records, local and national historical records, and news archives. How far back in time might you be able to learn about your ancestors by examining such documentation? Now, imagine the challenges scientists must face as they try to unravel the history of human beings on Earth. Where might they look for clues to this history? How might they interpret the clues? In this Competency, you will explore and analyze the scientific community’s perspective on the theory of evolution and the evidence to support the theory. Walden University respects the diversity of its student body and values your perspective on the topics addressed in this Competency. Regardless of whether your personal philosophical or religious beliefs align with the scientific community’s perspective, you may still engage in a respectful discourse on these topics. The Objective Assessment consists of 24 multiple-choice questions regarding the theory of evolution and the evidence that supports it. Assessment Submission Length: 24 multiple-choice questions Competency Modules:
  • Module 1: Evolutionary Theory and Evidence
  • Module 2: Applications of Evolution
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