TN 002: Module 1 Pre-Assessment Submission / QUIZ / NURS 5051: (AIM) Transforming Nursing and Healthcare through Technology / TN OO2 The Role of the Nurse Informatics in Healthcare
Module Pre-Assessments are your opportunity to practice applying module content before final submission of your Competency Assessment. Please submit the pre-assessment with proper formatting as listed in your assessment instructions. For example, if a template is provided, it should be utilized. All written assessments should adhere to APA guidelines. Please contact Assignment Samurai for help with TN 002: Module 1 Pre-Assessment Submission or any other course. Email: For your Module 2 Pre-Assessment, respond to the following prompts. These prompts match those in your final Assessment. Prompts: Propose a nursing informatics project for your organization to improve outcomes or efficiency by completing the Nursing Informatics Project Proposal Template. Your submission should include the following:
  • Identify the project team (by roles) and explain how you would incorporate the Informatics Nurse Specialist in the project team.
Once you submit your responses, assess yourself using the rubric provided. Use your Pre-Assessment submission and any feedback you may garner to improve and refine your responses. Use the following rubric to assess your response to the prompt:
Rubric Criteria Does Not Meet Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations
ยท Identify the project team (by roles) and explain how you would incorporate the Informatics Nurse Specialist in the project team. Learning Objective 2.1: Analyze the roles of team members and the Informatics Nurse Specialist in nursing informatics project teams Response does not adequately identify the project team by roles. Response does not adequately explain how to incorporate the Informatics Nurse Specialist in the project team. Response adequately identifies the project team by roles. Response adequately explains how to incorporate the Informatics Nurse Specialist in the project team. Response accurately and clearly identifies the project team by roles. Response clearly and thoroughly explains in detail how to incorporate the Informatics Nurse Specialist in the project team.

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