XA3003: Module 1 Pre-Assessment Submission (QUIZ)
XA3003: Module 1 Pre-Assessment Submission:

Module Pre-Assessments are your opportunity to practice applying module content before final submission of your Competency Assessment. Your final Competency Assessment is written. Therefore, you may choose to write your Pre-Assessment responses here in paragraph form or as another type of deliverable. Consider what would be most helpful for you.

For your Module 1 Pre-Assessment, identify bias in a specific scenario. Listen to the audio scenarios and respond to the four questions in the Bias Scenario handout.


Use the following rubric to assess your response to the prompt:

Rubric Criteria





Does Not Meet



Using the provided template, address the following:


  • Identify bias(es) presented in the scenario.


Learning Objective 1.1: Analyze how bias may affect patient care and healthcare delivery


The response comprehensively and clearly identifies the bias in the given scenario.


The response includes relevant, specific, and appropriate examples that fully support the identification.


The response identifies the bias in the given scenario.


The response includes relevant, specific, and appropriate examples that support the identification.

The response inaccurately and vaguely identifies the bias in the given scenario, or it is missing.


The response includes inaccurate and vague examples that do not support identification, or it is missing

  • Reflect on why bias might exist in the population represented in the scenario.


Learning Objective 1.2: Differentiate how bias impacts different populations


Learning Objective 1.3: Analyze impacts of disparities in the social determinants of health on nursing practice and healthcare delivery


The response comprehensively and clearly reflects on bias in the given population.


The response includes relevant, specific, and appropriate examples that fully support the reflection.


The response reflects on bias in the given population.


The response includes relevant, specific, and appropriate examples that support the reflection.


The response inaccurately and vaguely reflects on bias in the given population, or it is missing.


The response includes inaccurate and vague examples that do not support reflection, or it is missing.


  • Explain the connection to social determinants of health and quality care.


Learning Objective 1.3: Analyze impacts of disparities in the social determinants of health on nursing practice and healthcare delivery

The response comprehensively and clearly explains the connection to social determinants of health and quality care.


The response includes relevant, specific, and appropriate examples that fully support the explanation.

The response explains the connection to social determinants of health and quality care.


The response includes relevant, specific, and appropriate examples that support the explanation.

The response inaccurately and vaguely explains the connection to social determinants of health and quality care, or it is missing.


The response includes inaccurate and vague examples that do not support the explanation, or it is missing.

  • Identify useful strategies for the scenario and given population.


Learning Objective 1.4: Recommend nursing strategies to improve the health of patients related to the social determinants of health within specific populations

The response comprehensively and clearly identifies useful strategies.


The response includes relevant, specific, and appropriate examples that fully support the identification.


The response identifies strategies.


The response includes relevant, specific, and appropriate examples that support the identification.

The response inaccurately and vaguely identifies strategies, or it is missing.


The response includes inaccurate and vague examples that do not support identification, or it is missing.


Please contact Assignment Samurai for help with XA3003: Module 1 Pre-Assessment Submission or any other assignment.

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Kindly follow the link below for SOLUTION to XA3003: Module 1 Pre-Assessment Submission.



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