ENG-105: English Composition I – Topic 6 DQ 1 (QUIZ)

Assessment Description:

Do some research to identify a trend, event, or a policy related to ADHD. If you look on news websites, you can identify and discuss what reporters are currently writing about ADHD. If you look at the policy statements by institutions such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/adhd/facts.html) or American Psychological Association (APA.org), you can identify and discuss which policies or advice they provide. You could also try finding events (either past events or future ones) about ADHD at the local, state, or national level and then explain what one or more events were (or will be) about. Then, summarize your findings and report them to the class by responding to this discussion question.

During the week, go back and review your classmates’ posts and discuss similarities and differences between your response and your peers’ responses.

Please contact Assignment Samurai for help with ENG-105: English Composition I - Topic 6 DQ 1 or any other assignment.

Email: assignmentsamurai@gmail.com 

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