Assessment Description:
Academic engagement through active participation in instructional activities related to the course objectives is paramount to your success in this course and future courses. Through interaction with your instructor and classmates, you will explore the course material and be provided with the best opportunity for objective and competency mastery. To begin this class, review the course objectives for each Topic, and then answer the following questions as this will help guide your instructor for course instruction.
- Which weekly objectives do you have prior knowledge of and to what extent?
- Which weekly objectives do you have no prior knowledge of?
- What course-related topics would you like to discuss with your instructor and classmates? What questions or concerns do you have about this course?
Please contact Assignment Samurai for help with this or any other assignment.
SOLUTION to BIO-201: Human Anatomy and Physiology I: Lab - Summary of Current Course Content Knowledge.
Hello class,
Some of the course objectives are familiar to me from other classes I have taken and from my work experience. In particular, I know the connection between anatomy and physiology, the general organization of the articulations and some of the joints and the commonly used muscle groups and their origins, insertions, and functions. Through my prior work experience as a nurse and a health promoter, I learned about various kinds of tissues, basic cell structures, and most organs’ roles in the human body. Also, I have come across with terms such as positive and negative feedback mechanisms and the role of synovial joint in my studies.
However, I still do not know relatively many things concerning some certain aspects of the course. For example, I do not remember with equal clarity procedures for assessing cranial nerves, the details of the ultrastructure of nervous tissue, or the features of the various types of muscular tissue. I also want to enhance my knowledge about the circulation of the Cerebrospinal fluid through the Central Nervous System and the microscopic and macroscopic structures of the Integument Tissue System.
With my instructor and classmates, I would like to hear their opinion on the-oriented approach to learning about the various body systems where I want to know how this knowledge is applied in clinical practice. I am also curious to know how the conceptual knowledge of human anatomy and physiology enhanced from this course will help me in my future endeavors as a nurse as well as patient caretaker.
My major concern will be ensuring that I understand some of the more complex concepts such as the functions of cranial nerves and the complex structures of the nervous system. I am also interested in how such knowledge can be implemented into the real world and into clinical practice and how it will connect with my future classes and personal growth as a practitioner.