BIO-201: Human Anatomy and Physiology I – Topic 3: The Integument, Skeleton, and Articulations

By learning the anatomy and the associated physiology of the skin (integument), the student will be able to explain how the human body cools itself, produces vitamin D (a crucial regulator of blood calcium levels), and protects itself from infection. Learning about the cellular architecture and arrangement of osseous tissue will enable students to understand bone growth, development, repair, and homeostasis. By understanding the structure, function, and classification of joints, students will be able to understand how different joints contribute to mobility and stability of the body.


  1. Describe the functions of components of the integumentary system.
  2. Describe repair of the integument.
  3. Identify the functions of the skeletal system.
  4. Describe the features of a long bone.
  5. Compare and contrast compact and spongy bone.
  6. Identify the roles of different cellular components in bone growth and ossification.
  7. Describe the process of bone growth, development, and repair.
  8. Describe the impact of aging, exercise, and lifestyle on bone remodeling.
  9. Identify tooth structure, types of teeth, and dental succession.
  10. Explain the different structural and functional classifications of articulations.
  11. Describe how muscles and articulations work together as lever systems.

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