PA005: Pre- Assessment:
Module 1 Pre-Assessment Submission
Module Pre-Assessments are your opportunity to practice applying module content before final submission of your Competency Assessment. Please submit the pre-assessment with proper formatting as listed in your assessment instructions. For example, if a template is provided, it should be utilized. All written assessments should adhere to APA guidelines.
For your Module 1 Pre-Assessment, respond to the following prompts. These prompts match those in your final Assessment.
Please contact Assignment Samurai for help with PA005: Healthcare Program/Policy Evaluation Pre- Assessment / NURS 5050: (AIM) Policy & Advocacy for Improving Population Health or any other assignment.
You will select a population health program/policy evaluation that has been completed and assess the outcomes of the population health program/policy evaluation.
o Review the following: Population Health Program/Policy Evaluation Analysis Template
o Research and select a population health program/policy evaluation report that has been completed and shared.
• Based on the population health program/policy evaluation you selected, address the following in the Population Health Program/Policy Analysis Template:
1. Describe the population health program/policy outcomes.
2. Explain how the success of the population health program/policy was measured in the evaluation.
3. Identify how many people were reached by the population health program/policy based on the population health program/policy evaluation you selected.
4. Describe at what point the population health program/policy evaluation occurred.
Once you submit your responses, assess yourself using the rubric provided. Use your Pre-Assessment submission and any feedback you may garner to improve and refine your responses.
Use the following rubric to assess your response to the prompts:
Rubric Criteria Does Not Meet Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations
Complete the Population Health Program/Policy Evaluation Analysis Template and address the following:
• Describe the population health program/policy outcomes.
Learning Objective 1.1: Describe population health program/policy outcomes Response does not include an adequate Population Health Program/Policy Evaluation Analysis Template as it does not adequately describe the population health program/policy outcomes. Response includes an adequate Population Health Program/Policy Evaluation Analysis Template as it adequately describes the population health program/policy outcomes. Response includes an exemplary Population Health Program/Policy Evaluation Analysis Template as it clearly and comprehensively describes the population health program/policy outcomes.
• Explain how the success of the population health program/policy was measured in the evaluation.
Learning Objective 1.2: Explain methods for measuring the success of population health
programs/policies Response does not adequately explain how the success of the population health program/policy was measured in the evaluation. Response adequately explains how the success of the population health program/policy was measured in the evaluation. Response clearly and comprehensively explains how the success of the population health program/policy was measured in the evaluation.
• Identify how many people were reached by the population health program/policy based on the population health program/policy evaluation selected.
Learning Objective 1.3: Describe the reach and impact of population health
programs/policies Response does not adequately identify how many people were reached by the population health program/policy based on the population health program/policy evaluation
selected. Response adequately identifies how many people were reached by the population health program/policy based on the population health program/policy evaluation
selected. Response accurately and thoroughly identifies how many people were reached by the population health program/policy based on the population health program/policy evaluation selected.
• Describe at what point the population health program/policy evaluation occurred.
Learning Objective 1.4: Describe the point at which an evaluation of a population health program/policy occurred Response does not adequately describe at what point the population health program/policy evaluation occurred. Response adequately describes at what point the population health program/policy evaluation occurred. Response clearly and comprehensively describes at what point the population health program/policy evaluation occurred.