XD 3003 Principles of Professional Relationships: Integrating Social Justice and Human Rights Pre- Assessment / NURS 3030 Advocating for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Healthcare
XD3003: Pre- Assessment MODULE 1 PRE-ASSESSMENT SUBMISSION Module Pre-Assessments are your opportunity to practice applying module content before final submission of your Competency Assessment. Your final Competency Assessment is a written planning document for a podcast and a recording plus transcript of the podcast. Therefore, you may choose to write your Pre-Assessment responses here in paragraph form, as a script, or as another type of deliverable. Consider what would be most helpful for you. For your Module 1 Pre-Assessment, respond to the following prompts. These prompts match those in your Final Assessment. Please contact Assignment Samurai for help with XD 3003 Principles of Professional Relationships: Integrating Social Justice and Human Rights Pre- Assessment / NURS 3030 Advocating for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Healthcare or any other assignment. Email: assignmentsamurai@gmail.com Prompts: In a 2- to 3-page response, address the following: Podcast Planning: Part 1—Identify Your Expert and Interview Purpose • Identify an expert in your healthcare field to interview for a podcast on core principles of professional–patient relationships that support integrating social justice and human rights into practice. Provide a brief profile of the expert to justify your choice. • Explain the purpose of your podcast interview (i.e., to inform, persuade, or provide how-to strategies) and your reasoning. Podcast Planning: Part 2—Investigate Interview Topics: Examining Principles of Professional–Patient Relationships • Explain principles of professional–patient relationships that guide your work as a healthcare professional. Be specific and provide examples. • Explain one (1) or more principles you would follow to lead a healthcare team to meet the needs of diverse patients. Include how you would persuade others to follow your lead. • Explain your concept of the therapeutic relationship in healthcare practice. • Explain how more attention to specific principles of professional–patient relationships can enhance a positive therapeutic relationship or convert a negative relationship into a positive one. Provide examples. Once you submit your responses, assess yourself using the rubric provided. Use your Pre-Assessment submission and any feedback you may garner to improve and refine your responses. Use the following rubric to assess your response to the prompts: Rubric Criteria Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Does Not Meet Expectations In a 2- to 3-page response, address the following: Podcast Planning: Part 1—Identify Your Expert and Interview Purpose • Identify an expert in your healthcare field to interview for a podcast on core principles of professional–patient relationships that support integrating social justice and human rights into practice. Provide a brief profile of the expert to justify your choice. Learning Objective 1.1: Justify the choice of an expert to interview Response accurately and thoroughly provides a profile of an expert to justify the choice of the individual to interview for a podcast on core principles of professional–patient relationships that support integrating social justice and human rights into practice. Response adequately provides a profile of an expert to justify the choice of the individual to interview for a podcast on core principles of professional–patient relationships that support integrating social justice and human rights into practice. Response does not adequately provide a profile of an expert to justify the choice of the individual to interview for a podcast on core principles of professional–patient relationships that support integrating social justice and human rights into practice. • Explain the purpose of your podcast interview (i.e., to inform, persuade, or provide how-to strategies) and your reasoning. Learning Objective 1.2: Explain the purpose of a podcast interview Response accurately and thoroughly explains the purpose of the podcast interview and with thorough reasoning. Response adequately explains the purpose of the podcast interview and with adequate reasoning. Response does not adequately explain the purpose of the podcast interview and with inadequate or missing reasoning. Podcast Planning: Part 2—Investigate Interview Topics: Examining Principles of Professional-Patient Relationships • Explain principles of professional–patient relationships that guide your work as a healthcare professional. Be specific and provide examples. Learning Objective 1.3: Analyze principles of professional–patient relationships that guide individual healthcare practice Response accurately and thoroughly explains principles of professional–patient relationships that guide one’s work as a healthcare professional with accurate and thorough examples. Response adequately explains principles of professional–patient relationships that guide one’s work as a healthcare professional with adequate examples. Response does not adequately explain principles of professional–patient relationships that guide one’s work as a healthcare professional with inadequate or missing examples. • Explain one (1) or more principles you would follow to lead a healthcare team to meet the needs of diverse patients. Include how you would persuade others to follow your lead. Learning Objective 1.4: Analyze principles of professional relationships for leading healthcare teams to meet needs of diverse patients Response accurately and thoroughly explains one (1) or more principles for leading a healthcare team to meet the needs of diverse patients, including a thorough explanation of how to persuade others to follow. Response adequately explains one (1) or more principles for leading a healthcare team to meet the needs of diverse patients, including an adequate explanation of how to persuade others to follow. Response does not adequately explain one (1) or more principles for leading a healthcare team to meet the needs of diverse patients, including an inadequate explanation of how to persuade others to follow. • Explain your concept of the therapeutic relationship in healthcare practice. Learning Objective 1.5: Explain individual concepts of the therapeutic relationship in healthcare practice Response accurately and thoroughly explains an individual concept of the therapeutic relationship in healthcare practice. Response adequately explains an individual concept of the therapeutic relationship in healthcare practice. Response does not adequately explain an individual concept of the therapeutic relationship in healthcare practice. • Explain how more attention to specific principles of professional–patient relationships can enhance a positive therapeutic relationship or convert a negative relationship into a positive one. Provide examples. Learning Objective 1.6: Analyze principles of professional–patient relationships for benefits to therapeutic relationships Response accurately and thoroughly explains, with examples, how more attention to specific principles of professional–patient relationships can enhance a positive therapeutic relationship or convert a negative relationship into a positive one. Response adequately explains, with examples, how more attention to specific principles of professional–patient relationships can enhance a positive therapeutic relationship or convert a negative relationship into a positive one. Response does not adequately explain, with examples, how more attention to specific principles of professional–patient relationships can enhance a positive therapeutic relationship or convert a negative relationship into a positive one.