XD3001: Pre- Assessment:
Module Pre-Assessments are your opportunity to practice applying module content before final submission of your Competency Assessment. Your final Competency Assessment is written. Therefore, you may choose to write your Pre-Assessment responses here in paragraph form, as a script, or as another type of deliverable. Consider what would be most helpful for you.
For your Module 2 Pre-Assessment, respond to the following prompts. These prompts match those in your Final Assessment.
Please contact Assignment Samurai for help with XD 3001 Impact of Personal Bias on Communication and Mutual Respect Pre- Assessment / NURS 3030 Advocating for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Healthcare or any other assignment.
Email: assignmentsamurai@gmail.com
In a 2- to 3-page response, address the following:
Part 2: Analyzing Personal Bias
• Summarize insights you gained from your Project Implicit Test results.
• Analyze how your personal biases and values influence your thinking and behavior. Be specific with examples.
• Describe a situation when you communicated with others in a biased way or experienced communication that was biased. Apply your understanding of personal bias to explain this example.
• Explain your thoughts and feelings about the value of examining your personal biases, both as an individual and as a professional in the healthcare field.
• Describe at least two (2) strategies for combatting implicit bias that you would choose for yourself. Explain your reasoning. Note: Do not include introspection as a strategy, which you have applied and summarized through the Implicit Association Tests.
Once you submit your responses, assess yourself using the rubric provided. Use your Pre-Assessment submission and any feedback you may garner to improve and refine your responses.
Use the following rubric to assess your response to the prompts:
Rubric Criteria Exceeds Expectations Meets Expectations Does Not Meet Expectations
In a 2- to 3-page response, address the following:
• Summarize insights you gained from your Project Implicit Test results.
Learning Objective 2.1: Summarize insights from results of personal bias tests Response accurately and thoroughly summarizes insights from Project Implicit Test results. Response adequately summarizes insights from Project Implicit Test results.
Response does not adequately summarize insights from Project Implicit Test results.
• Analyze how your personal biases and values influence your thinking and behavior. Be specific with examples.
Learning Objective 2.2: Analyze the influence of personal biases and values on thinking and behavior Response accurately and thoroughly analyzes with specific examples how personal biases and values influence thinking and behavior.
Response adequately analyzes with specific examples how personal biases and values influence thinking and behavior.
Response does not adequately analyze with examples how personal biases and values influence thinking and behavior.
• Describe a situation when you communicated with others in a biased way or experienced communication that was biased. Apply your understanding of personal bias to explain this example.
Learning Objective 2.3: Apply understanding of personal bias to examples of biased communication Response accurately and thoroughly describes a situation when communication was biased and accurately and thoroughly applies understanding of personal bias to explain the example. Response adequately describes a situation when communication was biased and adequately applies understanding of personal bias to explain the example.
Response does not adequately describe a situation when communication was biased and/or adequately apply understanding of personal bias to explain the example.
• Explain your thoughts and feelings about the value of examining your personal biases—both as an individual and as a professional in the healthcare field.
Learning Objective 2.4: Analyze the value of examining personal biases as an individual and healthcare professional Response accurately and thoroughly explains thoughts and feelings about the value of examining personal biases—both as an individual and as a professional in the healthcare field.
Response adequately explains thoughts and feelings about the value of examining personal biases—both as an individual and as a professional in the healthcare field.
Response does not adequately explain thoughts and feelings about the value of examining personal biases—both as an individual and as a professional in the healthcare field.
• Describe at least two (2) strategies for combatting implicit bias that you would choose for yourself. Explain your reasoning. Note: Do not include introspection as a strategy, which you have applied and summarized through the Implicit Association Tests.
Learning Objective 2.5:
Describe strategies to combat implicit bias Response accurately and thoroughly explains the individual choice of at least two (2) strategies to apply for combatting implicit bias and does not include introspection as a strategy, which was applied and summarized through the Implicit Association Tests.
Response adequately explains the individual choice of at least two (2) strategies to apply for combatting implicit bias and does not include introspection as a strategy, which was applied and summarized through the Implicit Association Tests.
Response does not adequately explain the individual choice of at least two (2) strategies to apply for combatting implicit bias and/or includes introspection as a strategy, which was applied and summarized through the Implicit Association Tests.